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Unlocking Funding Success: RISE, European IP Helpdesk, and Faculty of Science University of Split Collaborate for Horizon Europe Project Proposal Workshop

RISE and European IP Helpdesk teamed up with the Faculty of Science at the University of Split and convened at a workshop on 12 July 2023 focused on developing project proposals for Horizon Europe funding. The workshop aimed to equip attendees with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance their chances of securing funding for ambitious research projects.

Joerg Scherer, the Managing Director of EURICE, a research-focused consultancy firm specializing in knowledge-intensive business services, delivered a presentation titled "Measures to Maximize Impact." Additionally, Smiljka Vikić-Topić, the Head of the RISE office, shared her expertise on "Preparing Horizon Europe Project Proposals." Renowned in their respective fields, Joerg and Smiljka shared their expertise and provided valuable guidance during the workshop. Their presentations covered various aspects of crafting compelling project proposals that align with the objectives and criteria of Horizon Europe. From conceptualizing research ideas to structuring proposals and addressing key evaluation criteria, participants gained valuable knowledge to strengthen their grant applications.

The workshop commenced with a warm welcome speech by the distinguished dean of the Faculty of Science University of Split, prof. Mile Dzelalija. The dean highlighted the significance of Horizon Europe as a funding opportunity for scientific advancement. Emphasizing the transformative potential of Horizon Europe, he expressed his unwavering support for researchers striving to make breakthroughs in their respective fields. During the workshop, Joerg Scherer also addressed the importance of maximizing impact through EU services available to researchers. Specifically, he highlighted the support provided by the EU Intellectual Property (IP) Helpdesk and IP Scan services. These resources offer guidance on intellectual property rights and assist researchers in optimizing the impact and dissemination of their project results.

The workshop proved to be a valuable platform for participants to interact, exchange ideas, and collaborate across scientific domains. As the scientific community continues to pursue groundbreaking research, events like these play a crucial role in empowering researchers and driving scientific progress. With the expertise gained at the workshop, participants are well-positioned to contribute to Horizon Europe's mission of advancing knowledge, innovation, and societal well-being Vikić-Topić, highlighted the importance of embracing the opportunity to write project proposals, even if there is a chance of failure. She emphasized: 'Taking the leap and writing proposals is crucial for researchers to showcase their innovative ideas and contribute to the scientific community. It is essential to remember that even unsuccessful proposals offer valuable learning experiences that can inform future attempts.'

During the workshop, Vikić-Topić also shared information about the interesting open calls for applications within Horizon Europe with emphasis on Widening. By keeping participants informed about upcoming opportunities, she aimed to encourage researchers to stay engaged and proactive in pursuing funding for their research endeavours. Vikić-Topić concluded by expressing her optimism, stating: 'We are confident that the knowledge and insights gained from this workshop will not only increase the success rate of project proposals but also foster a culture of resilience and continuous improvement among researchers.

The collaborative efforts of RISE, the European IP Helpdesk, and the University of Split Faculty of Science have undoubtedly equipped participants with the necessary tools and inspiration to pursue their research goals and contribute to the advancement of science and societal well-being within the Horizon Europe framework.