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European Innovation Scoreboard 2023 reveals remarkable progress and growing innovation performance: Croatia as an Emerging Innovator

Source: European Commission

The 2023 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard shows a substantial improvement in innovation performance. It highlights the importance of a European Innovation Ecosystem, with Horizon Europe as a powerful enabler. Moreover, it clearly states that innovation is essential to foster development and convergence across European regions.

Although significant progress in innovation performance has been achieved in many parts of Europe, we must acknowledge a persisting innovation divide, particularly for our less developed and peripheral regions. It is crucial to bridge this gap to ensure economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe. By harnessing the power of growing R&I ecosystems in EU-13 countries, we can fuel smart, place-based innovation strategies, to address the innovation divide and bring European regions closer together.

We are pleased to see that Croatia’s performance gap to the EU is becoming smaller. CROATIA is an Emerging Innovator with performance at 69.6% of the EU average. Performance is above the average of the Emerging Innovators. Performance is increasing at a rate higher than that of the EU (8.5%- points).

Read the full statement from the European Commission: